Climate adaptation measures

The measures available in this web platform are a compilation of the state of the art in Climate Change Adaptation. They provide information about all potential solutions to reduce the impacts, damage and vulnerability of any territory. The measures have been obtained from different EU-funded scientific research projects. They are classified to facilitate the selection, using the search engine and the filters available.

This is a live tool, and it welcomes new measures as the Climate Adaptation research and practice evolves. If you register, you can enter new measures, and use all of them to create a tailored strategy for the municipality, district or region of interest. Also they can be included in the prioritization tool to compare the impact of the measures, which supports Climate Action decision-making.

Install Green walls

A green wall is a wall partially or completely covered with vegetation that includes a growing medium, such as soil. Is a variation of green roofs. Most green walls also feature an integrated water delivery system. Green walls are also known as living walls or vertical gardens. The wall helps reduce run-off by capturing rainwater from the roof of the building in dedicated storage tanks. This measure is part of the called Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS).

Hazard: Flood
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: Building
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Properties / Human Health
Install retentions basins

These type of basins store stormwater during heavy rainfall events, controlling the downstream flow and, consecutively, the flooding risk. Retention basins hold a permanent pool of water (wet basins), having a higher residence time and promoting physical-chemical and biological treatment processes through infiltration and vegetation and microbial activity (TSS, organic matter, nutrients and heavy metals). Both retention and detention basins have inlet and outlet structures and the water level drops slowly as the water flows out of the basin into a nearby water course or sewer.

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Hazard: Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Blue options
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
Install storm weir devices

Storm weirs are drainage devices implemented to adapt the drainage system behavior against large inflows. There are several types of weirs, but the operational principle is the same: part of the flow is diverted directly to the receiving water-body while a certain design flow is conducted to the WWTP.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Grey options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban
Sector: Water Sector
Installation of artificial reefs

Increase marine biodiversity by installing artificial reefs

Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Flood / Sea Level Rise
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Natural Area
Sector: Natural Areas
Interbasin connections

Interbasin connection to offer redundancies for water supply

Hazard: Drought
Category: Physical and Technological / Grey options
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Natural Area
Sector: Water Sector
Introduce rock armour in rivers to add erosion protection against flood defence assets

Natural flood management techniques. The rocks take the brunt of the river flow saving the condition of the flood defence structure (for example a retaining wall) preventing wear and tear and reducing the need for replacement or remediation works over time.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Blue options
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector / Properties
Inventory control (e.g. minimizing the amount of hazardous materials used)

Type of natech trigger addressed: All

Compound events
Hazard: Compound events
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Building
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Waste Sector
Isolated operation of renewable energy microgrids

The oportunity of supplying homes off-grid will be posible by the microgrid concept which includes the integration of renewable energies at home/buildings/communitites, batteries and regulable loads. Sometimes, it requires interaction with the consumers by sending them consumption recommendations.

Extreme Winds
Heat wave
Hazard: Extreme Winds / Heat wave
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Energy Sector / Properties
Isolation of the roof terrace of St Anne (in Millau) – surface 95 m²

It will improve thermal comfort in the hospital building where it is implemented. This was one of the measures recommended as part of an energy audit conducted by the hospital.

Heat wave
Hazard: Heat wave
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Human Health / Properties
Join city networks

Take part in city networks to foster the exchange of good practices and collaborate with benchmark international institutions

Hazard: Non-specific
Category: Governance and Institutional / Coordination, cooperation and networks
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Join European projects to improve local climate change assessment

Learn more about how climate change will affect the city through European projects such as RESCCUE (2020)

Hazard: Non-specific
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Information and Awareness Rising
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Keep sufficient space in the soil and subsoil to allow for the necessary climate services

Keep sufficient space in the soil and subsoil to allow for the necessary climate services (greater water infi ltration, better quality soil to allow plants to grow properly, etc.)

Forest fire
Hazard: Flood / Forest fire
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
Lake restoration

Natural water retention facility. It can store water and provide water for many purposes

Hazard: Flood / Drought
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Blue options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Lawns and green areas

Lawn Lawns and green areas are permeable surfaces that perform some important functions in an urban environment, such as heat and run-off control, space for recreational and sport uses, biodiversity hubs and carbon storage components. There are several typologies of lawn suitable for urban areas, such as: - rustic lawns, which ask for less maintenance and are mainly used for river/canal banks and floodable public places; - ornamental lawn, used in public and private gardens; - sports lawns, formed by species that allow a high trampling; - flowery lawns, formed by a mix of herbaceous flowering plants, annual or perennial. Depending on the types, they may or not require a regular irrigation and mowing. The use of spontaneous species and the support of symbiotic behaviours (between different plant types and/or fungi), when carefully designed, can greatly enhance the quality of green areas, reducing manteinance and irrigation costs, as well as providing improved resistance during droughts. ing.

Heat wave
Hazard: Heat wave / Flood
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas / Human Health
Learn from real-life flooding by recording and investigating events

Collate records of historic flood events

Hazard: Flood
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Information and Awareness Rising
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Level up or relocate electrical substations near coastal and river areas

Placing electrical transformer centers near coasts and rivers on a higher platform or relocating these substations near rivers and coasts more inland.

Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Sea Level Rise
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Energy Sector / Natural Areas
Live crib walls

Live crib walls are a particular form of gravity-retaining structures made of on-site fill material, timbers and layers .

Hazard: Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Live pole drains

Live pole drains can provide double effect on both the drain of excess soil moisture and the reinforcement of soil with roots (Pacas, 1999).

Heat wave
Hazard: Flood / Heat wave
Category: Physical and Technological / Grey options
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Live/rock check dams

A check dam is a small dam constructed across a drainage ditch, swale, or channel to lower the velocity of flow.

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Hazard: Flood / Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Living Breakwaters

Offshore structures designed to limit wave energy by creating a barrier, most often underwater, between open water and the shoreline.

Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Sea Level Rise / Flood
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Showing 161-180 of 320 items.