Climate adaptation measures

The measures available in this web platform are a compilation of the state of the art in Climate Change Adaptation. They provide information about all potential solutions to reduce the impacts, damage and vulnerability of any territory. The measures have been obtained from different EU-funded scientific research projects. They are classified to facilitate the selection, using the search engine and the filters available.

This is a live tool, and it welcomes new measures as the Climate Adaptation research and practice evolves. If you register, you can enter new measures, and use all of them to create a tailored strategy for the municipality, district or region of interest. Also they can be included in the prioritization tool to compare the impact of the measures, which supports Climate Action decision-making.


The planting of trees within urban areas includes their integration in public parks, along roads, in squares and other open spaces (including private spaces). It is important that the location identified and the space intended for the root system is suitable for the tree to fully develop its crown. In addition, the type of tree should be chosen based on local climate features, taking into account the expected climate projections over a time horizon corresponding to the years needed for the complete maturation of the tree. Although trees improve air quality, dense foliage along busy roads can cause unwanted effects, as vehicle emissions tend to get trapped under the canopies. The right type of tree and the right shape of the crown in relation to the urban canyon geometry (and related wind channeling), road size and expected traffic load can help preventing the accumulation of pollutants. Furthermore, it is essential to provide adequate regular maintenance and protection cycles for the tree in order to guarantee its climatic benefits over time and prevent them from being a risk factor in the event of extreme events such as wind storms, which can cause trees with a weakened or not fully developed root system to collapse.

Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Sea Level Rise / Flood
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas / Human Health
Update the drought protocol with climate projections

Incorporate up-to-date climate projections in future editions of the Drought Protocol

Hazard: Drought
Category: Governance and Institutional / Policy instruments
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
Updating heating/cooling system at Gennimatas Building: a) One chiller for updating cooling system of the overall building

Heat wave
Hazard: Heat wave / Drought
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Properties / Human Health
Updating heating/cooling system at Gennimatas Building: b) One heat pump, one air handling unit and air ducts for the neonatal intensive care unit

Heat wave
Hazard: Heat wave
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Properties / Human Health
Upper watershed restoration

Aimed to improve infiltration, thus precipitation can infiltrate to the ground without flowing as run-off.

Hazard: Flood / Drought
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Urban Agriculture

Agricultural land differs from natural soil due to repeated tillage and various agronomic interventions. All types of crop, in general, affect the water cycle and promote environmental protection. The increase of agricultural production in cities can be promoted through the cultivation of bare soils and residual areas, as well as outdoor spaces of residential buildings. Crop types are closely related to local climatic conditions and therefore have to be carefully selected. The spatial configuration of urban land for agricultural use must also take into account the impact of urban activities in the surrounding areas (in particular vehicular pollution). Therefore, the cultivation of agricultural products intended for human consumption must be assessed based on the specific location in the city.

Hazard: Flood / Drought
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: Neighborhood
Area type: Urban
Sector: Human Health / Natural Areas
Use of buildings' desing as flood defence

New and existing buildings in flood risk areas can be used as flood defence. The buildings should be completely integrated in the flood defence to create a reliable flood defence.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Capacity Building, empowering and lifestyle practices
Application scale: Building
Area type: Urban
Sector: Properties
Use of structural design codes or retrofitting

Type of natech trigger addressed: Earthquakes, Winds and storms, Flooding

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds / Flood
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Use of structural design codes or retrofitting of walls and dikes

Type of natech trigger addressed: Earthquakes, Winds and storms

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds / Flood
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Human Health / Water Sector
Use social media for warnings and information

Along with conventional methods for disseminating messages on flooding, in recent years frontline responders have started to use social media. Social media tools can provide a valuable resource to deliver up to date warnings and information to the public, media and even other responders.

Hazard: Non-specific
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Information and Awareness Rising
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Human Health
Vegetated slope grating

The role of vegetation in stabilising slopes is not limited to general planting techniques.

Hazard: Flood / Drought
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Rural
Sector: Properties
Verification of storage tank seals

Type of natech trigger addressed: Flooding

Hazard: Flood
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Building
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Waste Sector
Vulnerability Assessment of beaches to erosion and sea flooding

Carry out further studies on the vulnerability of beaches to erosion and sea flooding

Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Sea Level Rise
Category: Governance and Institutional / Policy instruments
Application scale: Region
Area type: Natural Area
Sector: Natural Areas
Water Squares

In densely built-up urban areas it is often difficult to find a space for the temporary collection of rainwater during extreme events. Water squares can be realized in areas with a high flood risk, and appear as public spaces which in most cases are “dry” and can be used like any other traditional public space, for play and leisure. Carefully designed, in periods of heavy rainfall, the square is flooded by conveying the waters from the surrounding surfaces, limiting the impact of extreme rainfall.

Hazard: Flood / Drought
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban
Sector: Water Sector
Water supply plan

Have a water supply plan in place that gathers all potential scenarios and mitigation plans

Hazard: Drought
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
Waterproofing of equipment and buildings, securing of equipment (e.g., anchoring storage tanks, restraining gas cylinders), and adequate emergency-response and contingency planning to help minimize downtimes.

Protection from Flash flooding

Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Flood / Sea Level Rise
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Energy Sector / Economic Sectors
Wetland restoration

Area of marsh, fen, peatland or water for whether temporary or permanent. Wetlands can store water and slowly release water.

Hazard: Flood / Drought
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Blue options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Widening of water bodies

The river width is an activity which aim to increase the conveyances characteristics of river though widening by excavating the embankment. The widening rivers provides more space in the river.

Hazard: Flood / Drought
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas / Water Sector
Wind energy: Improved ability to handle extreme weather events

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Energy Sector / Economic Sectors
Wrapping of subtances in watertight packing and labeling

Type of natech trigger addressed: Winds and storms, Flooding, Hurricanes

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds / Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Building
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Transport Sector / Waste Sector
Showing 301-320 of 320 items.