The measures available in this web platform are a compilation of the state of the art in Climate Change Adaptation. They provide information about all potential solutions to reduce the impacts, damage and vulnerability of any territory. The measures have been obtained from different EU-funded scientific research projects. They are classified to facilitate the selection, using the search engine and the filters available.
This is a live tool, and it welcomes new measures as the Climate Adaptation research and practice evolves. If you register, you can enter new measures, and use all of them to create a tailored strategy for the municipality, district or region of interest. Also they can be included in the prioritization tool to compare the impact of the measures, which supports Climate Action decision-making.
Square or circular excavations either filled with rubble or lined with brickwork, pre-cast concrete or polyethylene rings/perforated storage structures surrounded by granular backfill. They can be grouped and linked together to drain large areas including highways. The supporting structure and backfill can be substituted by modular or geocellular units. Soakaways are one type of "Infiltration Device", a simple way of dispersing surface and storm water in situations where connection to the sewer system system is impractical or unwarranted. The basic principle is that of a "reverse well"; i.e. a "hole-in-the-ground"; that loses water rather than collecting water. Installing a soakaway provides a means by which rainwater from a building can be collected and dispersed into the soil in a suitable location. This measure is part of the called Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS).
Wall and roof covering in Fort ALBEDO. This was one of the measures recommended in an energy audit conducted by the hospital.
Establish a specific call for grants to promote the citizen climate agenda, thus rewarding innovation and cooperation
Type of natech trigger addressed: Earthquakes, Winds and storms, Flooding
Type of natech trigger addressed: Earthquakes, Winds and storms, Flooding
Improve the city's cleaning services to keep away debris and other items from the sewage, avoiding blocakges, water pollution and other issues.
Strengthen the participation of the local community in defining urban development, green development and mobility plans for mitigating the effects of climate change
Strengthen the services for the most vulnerable people at the Citizen Help and Information Offices (OACs) to help prevent the effects of heat and other extreme climate events
Study the effects of climate change on the sea temperature
Enhance knowledge about how climate change affects health
Study the impact that climate change could have on the price of basic supplies and food
Put a sustainability reference figure in place in each district
Shallow, flat bottomed, vegetated open chanels designed to convey, treat and often attenuate surface water runoff. They are often used to drain roads, paths or car parks. This measure is part of the called Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS).
Find solutions to the problem of mosquito reproduction in scuppers and reservoir roofs
Terracing consists in converting a steep slope in a series of step-like structures.
Protection from Precipitation (rain/snowfall)- humidity
Type of natech trigger addressed: All
Training and conducting workshops allow highlight the strengths and opportunities for improvement of plans and procedures of utilities.
Instead, an arbor along a walkway area inside the hospital will be construct