Climate adaptation measures

The measures available in this web platform are a compilation of the state of the art in Climate Change Adaptation. They provide information about all potential solutions to reduce the impacts, damage and vulnerability of any territory. The measures have been obtained from different EU-funded scientific research projects. They are classified to facilitate the selection, using the search engine and the filters available.

This is a live tool, and it welcomes new measures as the Climate Adaptation research and practice evolves. If you register, you can enter new measures, and use all of them to create a tailored strategy for the municipality, district or region of interest. Also they can be included in the prioritization tool to compare the impact of the measures, which supports Climate Action decision-making.

Rethink and adapt the criteria in project and works protocols and in the technical specifications for urban spaces

Rethink and adapt the criteria in project and works protocols and in the technical specifications for urban spaces, in order to equip them with a more mainstream vision and ensure the compliance of these sustainability and resilience criteria in urban transformation projects

Hazard: Non-specific
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Information and Awareness Rising
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Retrofit housing for adaptation

Renovate housing improving insulation to heat and flood, replacing obsolete electrical installations, etc.

Heat wave
Hazard: Heat wave / Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Properties / Human Health
Review design structural thresholds considering CC

Protection from High winds/Hurricanes

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Information and Awareness Rising
Application scale: Building
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Human Health / Properties
Review design thresholds of offshore structures considering CC

Protection from High winds/Hurricanes

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Review of the design of installations located in the coastline. Filling of empty tanks to avoid floating or wind buckling of the shell, tying down of components to reduce the risk of missile creation during high winds, or the special protection or relocation of safety-critical systems to avoid wave loading and water intrusion

Protection from High winds/Hurricanes

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Properties / Human Health
Rewilding of green areas (ca. 1000m2) and tree planting (5 trees, category D6, trees that can locally cool down environmental temperature)

Heat wave
Hazard: Heat wave
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Human Health
Rich revetments

Contribution to the ecological value of a dike. The aim is to create a net positive contribution to natural value of the dike section.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Routine inspection and maintenance for corrosion and deterioration

Type of natech trigger addressed: All

Compound events
Hazard: Compound events
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Building
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Waste Sector
Sand dam

Wall build across the river in a seasonal sandy riverbed.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Sand Engine

Artificially created expanse of sand that covers the spatially concentrated placement of (relatively) large sand volumes for coastal development

Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Flood / Sea Level Rise
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas

Type of submerged aquatic vegetation that evolved over time to live in the marine environment.

Heat wave
Hazard: Heat wave / Flood
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Sediment conservation measures

Establish sediment conservation measures: beach regeneration, change the grain size of the sediment brought in, analyse other coast protection options

Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Sea Level Rise
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Seepage barrier or cut-off wall

A seepage barrier is used to reduce the rate of seepage: for instance to reduce the loss of water from a reservoir or to reduce the water pressure on the structure.

Hazard: Flood / Drought
Category: Physical and Technological / Grey options
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
Self-healing algorithm in electrical distribution grid

The implementation of the self-healing algorithm will help to mitigate blackouts produced by localized affections to the grid (i.e. flooded substations) by creating new paths for redirecting the energy flow through the operative network by mean of the auto-reconnection of the electrical system creating a new configuration scheme and providing a reliable power supply to the most critical loads in the affected area.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban
Sector: Energy Sector
Set emergency supplies and utilities storages

Emergency supplies and utilities are necessary in case of a flood emergency. It should consist of food and drinks, first aid kit and other provisions to survive or continue operating for instance a hospital or business.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Governance and Institutional / Policy instruments
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Human Health
Set or update flood hazard maps

Detail geographic information that allows urban planners to take informed decisions, considering flood hazards in the city.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Governance and Institutional / Policy instruments
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Set up a climate office

Set up a climate office that will adopt a mainstream approach to working on climate change in the administration and a committee to monitor the implementation of the Climate Plan actions consisting of the core team driving the plan and other key players

Hazard: Non-specific
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Shortening of maintenance interval

Heat wave
Hazard: Heat wave / Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Transport Sector
Smart local irrigation system

Design the municipal irrigation system for watering trees to be able to adapt to different needs of evapotranspiration and cooling services

Heat wave
Hazard: Heat wave
Category: Governance and Institutional / Policy instruments
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Human Health

Buried chambers that store surface water and allow it to soak into the ground.

Hazard: Flood / Drought
Category: Physical and Technological / Grey options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector / Natural Areas
Showing 261-280 of 320 items.