Climate adaptation measures

The measures available in this web platform are a compilation of the state of the art in Climate Change Adaptation. They provide information about all potential solutions to reduce the impacts, damage and vulnerability of any territory. The measures have been obtained from different EU-funded scientific research projects. They are classified to facilitate the selection, using the search engine and the filters available.

This is a live tool, and it welcomes new measures as the Climate Adaptation research and practice evolves. If you register, you can enter new measures, and use all of them to create a tailored strategy for the municipality, district or region of interest. Also they can be included in the prioritization tool to compare the impact of the measures, which supports Climate Action decision-making.

Promote water reuse in housing

Promote the use of grey water in new housing developments and renovations or for industrial purposes, and study its inclusion in future versions of the Municipal Urban Environment by law

Hazard: Drought
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban
Sector: Water Sector / Properties
Protect against outages by trimming trees near power and communication lines, maintaining backup supplies of poles and wires to be able to replace expediently those that are damaged, and having emergency restoration crews ready to be deployed ahead of the storm’s arrival.

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Energy Sector / Economic Sectors
Protecting the specific use of each beach

Protecting the specific use of each beach

Heat wave
Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Heat wave / Sea Level Rise
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas / Human Health
Provide climate information through online platforms

Provide access to climate information through the Smart Citizens platform and other applications

Hazard: Non-specific
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Information and Awareness Rising
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Provide flood storage areas with infiltration basins

These type of basins store stormwater during heavy rainfall events, controlling the downstream flow and, consecutively, the flooding risk. Infiltration basins do not have outlet structures and the water level is controlled by the infiltration rate of the soil (if soils are marginally suitable for infiltration trenches may be constructed). Moreover, infiltration basins are not adequate when there is a high groundwater table due to possible contamination.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Blue options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
Provisions for rapid recovery

Compound events
Hazard: Compound events
Category: Economic and Finance / Insurance and risk sharing instruments
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Economic Sectors
Public campaigns on climate change, impacts and solutions

Conduct campaigns on climate change and its effects through the appropriate media, and widely publicise options and habits that help to combat it

Hazard: Non-specific
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Information and Awareness Rising
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Public campaigns to encourage watersaving at a domestic level

Run publicity campaigns to encourage watersaving on a domestic level

Hazard: Drought
Category: Governance and Institutional / Policy instruments
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban
Sector: Waste Sector
Pumping system

A pumping station is used to discharge water out of an area. It can be used to transport sewer water in pressure mains. Another option is use in polder systems to pump water from a low lying area into a main water body like a river or a lake. It is always applied when no natural flow of water is possible.

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Hazard: Flood / Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Category: Physical and Technological / Grey options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
Rain gardens

Small-scale vegetated gardens used for storage and infiltration. They are typically applied at a property level and close to buildings, for example to capture and infiltrate roof drainage.

Heat wave
Hazard: Drought / Heat wave
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban
Sector: Properties
Raise awareness and manage regulator and customer expectations regarding levels of service during flood/sea level rise events, and appropriate response strategies

Impact addresed: Increased storm frequency and power supply flooding increases frequency of power loss, causing service failure

Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Sea Level Rise / Flood
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Capacity Building, empowering and lifestyle practices
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
Raise kerb or curb

Water can be channelled along streets with raised kerbs and also limit contact with buildings.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
Raising of electrical equipment such as motors, pumps and control panels to avoid water damage and system failur

Type of natech trigger addressed: Winds and storms, Flooding, Hurricanes

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds / Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Building
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Energy Sector / Waste Sector
Raising of the decks of offshore platforms

Protection from sea level rise

Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Sea Level Rise
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Rural
Sector: Economic Sectors / Energy Sector
Real time control systems

Implementation of real time control algorithms and systems (e.g. expert systems, model predictive control, etc.) to optimize the automatic control of existing infrastructures (gates, pumps, valves, etc.) based on intelligent or experts algorithms to optimize water storage, treatment, etc.

Compound events
Hazard: Compound events
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Reassessment of the equipment and facilities design

Protection from High winds/Hurricanes

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Capacity Building, empowering and lifestyle practices
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Properties / Human Health
Rebuild combined sewer systems to separate sewers

Rebuilding of combined sewer systems to separate sewers

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Hazard: Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Category: Physical and Technological / Grey options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban
Sector: Waste Sector / Water Sector
Reclaim the Rec Comtal canal

Reclaim the Rec Comtal canal

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Hazard: Flood / Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Category: Physical and Technological / Grey options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban
Sector: Water Sector
Reclaimed water for water bodies restoration

Ensure compliance with the protocol for emptying water into naturalised ponds in the event of a drought, to preserve and protect amphibians and water plants

Hazard: Drought
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
Reconnection of oxbow lakes and similar features

Oxbow lakes are former meanders that have been cut off from the river, thus creating a small lake with a U form. Oxbow lakes occur naturally, but may also occur due to artificial river straightening.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Blue options
Application scale: River Basin
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Showing 221-240 of 320 items.